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site, is to download and study this Index File off-line. Then,
when you are on-line again, you could go straight to the subject of
your choice. Bear in mind that this file is being updated almost every
week; so you may want to download it from time to time. For the latest
entries see What's New. Or better
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any file you think worthy of the effort.
Note: (**) In the list below, indicates sermons to be added soon.
Numbers & Prophetic Time Spans
- A Final Word of Caution to Preachers!
- Abaddon the Destroyer
- Abib
(The First Month in the Sacred Calendar)
Why is Abib in March in the years 2000, 2005 & 2008?
HTML Format Jewish Passover Out of Season!
PDF Format Jewish Passover Out of Season!
An article written by Dr. John Zucker in the Jewish Chronicle April 11. 1997.
- Abraham ... Yahweh's Friend
- Abraham's Seed
- Abyss. The Bottomless Pit
- Adultery
- Advice...Giving & Receiving
- Angels
Good and Evil 13 Sermons about Angels
- Are Angels Immortal? Can they die?
- The Two Witnesses
Aren't they Men?
- Three Angels' Messages
- Animal Sacrifices:
are they necessary?
Who/What is the Antichrist?
The Mark of Antichrist (the Beast)
- Apocrypha
Septuagint ...
Are these publications inspired?
- Arguments
- Ark of the Covenant:
What are you going to do about its contents?
- Asherah:
Wooden Pole, a symbol of the goddess Asherah. See Baal Worship below.
- Ashtaroth / Astoreth / Ashtarte / Ishtar
- Atonement
- Day of Atonement
- Audio Bible KJV
- Audio Sermons
Monthly Selections
- Authorized Version
See Bible Versions below.
- Azazel:
the scapegoat of Leviticus 16.
- Baal Worship:
The Worship of Nature as opposed to the Worship of the Creator.
- Balaam the Prophet
He has a message for all mankind!
- Babylon the Great.
The Whore of Revelation. Who is this Whore & Who are her Daughters?
- Baptism
- of the Holy Spirit
The Gift of Tongues
- of Repentance
- The Beast
- The Mark of the Beast
- Who/What is the Antichrist?
- The Audio Bible KJV
The entire King James Version of the Bible!
- Bible Course
21 Lessons on the foundations truths of Christianity.
- Bible Versions Booklet
Which is the Real Word of God?
Contents listed below.
- The Original Manuscripts (Masters)
- Copies of the Masters
- The Masorites
- The Church Fathers
- Ancient Versions
- English Bibles
- Textus Receptus
The Majority Text
- Minority Texts
- Misleading Footnotes
- Dean Burgon
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Codex Vaticanus
- The Invention of Printing
- The King James Version
- Thee & Thou
- The King James Version Translators
- Why the King James Version should be Retained
- Modern Versions & Translators
- The Revised Version Committee
- Brooke Foss Westcott
- Fenton John Anthony Hort
- Dangerous Changes in Modern Translations
- Dynamic Equivalence
- Famine of the Word of God
- Martyrs for the Word of God
- Booklet Summary
- Proof Texts
Missing Words, Missing Verses, Misleading Notes and Critical Mistranslations.
- Vital Questions & Answers
- Foreign Language Bibles
based on the Textus Receptus.
- Textus Receptus
... Where can I obtain a copy?
- The New American Standard Version:
Is it the Word of God?
- The New International Version:
Is it the Word of God?
- The New King James Version:
Is it the Word of God?
- King James Version Sites
- Books of the Bible
- Books in the Heavenly Library:
Are you aware of their existence?
- The Book of Life
The Almighty's Family Register. Is your name in it?
- Booklets from A Voice In The Wilderness:
All Free of Charge!
- Book List concerning the
Creation/Evolution Debate,
Bible Version Issue. and
Modern Israel
- Bottomless Pit. Abyss.
- Bread/Unleavened
For use during the
Passover Week
and the
Passover Service
- British Israel
Index to articles concerning the Sacred Sacred Calendar of the
God of Israel
- Calendar Booklet:
Index to articles in the Sacred Calendar booklet.
- Introduction and Aim
- Days,
months and
- Day for a Year Theory
- Signs in the sun, moon and stars
- New Moon Times & the Beginnings of Months
- Prophetic Time Spans
Prophetic Time Span Examples
- Questions & Answers concerning the Sacred Calendar
- The Spiritual Jubile Crop
- Man-made Rules & Traditions in the popular Jewish Calendar
- The Metonic Cycle
- Sabbatical & Jubile years
- Scheduled Events in the Diary of God
- The Feast Days of the God of Israel:
Index of Booklet on Yahweh's Feasts
- The Millennial Reign
- Questions:
- The First Month
Isn't Abib, a Month Early?
- Passover Late
The Jewish Passover Out of Season?
- Passover in the 2nd Month ... Zif
- Calvary
Missing from modern Bible translations
- Candles and Holy water
- CD containing the entire 'A Voice' In The Wilderness Web site!
Free of Charge!
- Celibacy
Is it God's ideal for mankind?
- Ceremonial laws:
Circumcision, Philacteries, Animal Sacrifices,
Mixing linen with wool, Uncleanness etc.
- Chosen Race
The Nation of Israel
- Christmas ... Is It Christian?
- Church: The Perfect Church!!
- Establish A Church Group
- Yahweh's Church
- Circumcision
- City of David Zion!
- Clean/Unclean Meats
- Clothes
What about Women wearing Men's Clothes?
- Codex Sinaiticus
- Codex Vaticanus
- Communion Service / Lord's Supper / Passover Service
- Confession to God or Priest?
- Contentment
Do you have it?
- Convocation
A commanded assembly.
- Copyright Notice
- Covenants:
Sacred Covenants
New Covenant Basics
New Covenant
The Everlasting Covenant
- Creation
- Cross
The Sign of the Cross:- Should Christians make it?
- Customs:
Answers to Questions on various subjects.
Daily Sacrifice
Daniel ... Man of Wisdom
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Day of Atonement
Day of Judgment #1,
Diary of the God of Israel
Dietary Laws
Divorce & Re-Marriage
Doctrine, Who needs it?
Download 'A Voice In The Wilderness' files
free of Charge! An offer you cannot afford to miss!
Dynamic Equivalence
- Easter
... A pagan festival in disguise.
See Pagan Gods
Easter In The KJV
Was it an Error?
- Election
Soon-Coming Spiritual Election
- Elijah & His Message
My God is Yah!,
- Elisha ... Man of power
- EMMANUEL: See under Jesus Christ or Yeshua
- Ecumenical Movement ...
Should we join it?
- Ethanim
(The seventh month)
- Everlasting Covenant
New Covenant
- Evolution: Fact or Fallacy!
Reference Books
concerning the Evolution/Creation Debate.
- Examine Yourselves
- Exodus
- The Coming Exodus
- Faith
- Have Faith in God
- Justification by Faith
- False Prophet
- Falling Stars & Signs in the Heavens
- The Christian Family
- Famine of the Word of God
Frequently Asked Questions
- Fasting & Prayer
- The Feast Days of the God of Israel ... Booklet Index
- Various Feasts, beginning with the Passover Service
- Feast Days in the New Covenant
- Feast Days to continue through eternity
- Feast Day Sacrifices
- Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Feast of Pentecost
Counting to Pentecost
- Feast of Trumpets
- Day of Atonement ... A Fast Day
- Feast of Tabernacles and
The Last Great Day
- Sermons for Jehovah's Feast Days
- Questions answered in the Feast booklet:
see under
- Times for Revival
- The Seven Annual Sabbaths: Years 1993-1999
- The Seven Annual Sabbaths: Years 2000-2005
- The Seven Annual Sabbaths: Years 2005-2010
- The Seven Annual Sabbaths: Years 2011-2020
- Feast Day Greetings
- Free Literature:
- Booklets
- Download Facility
- Web Site CD
- MP3 Audio Sermon CD Volume 1
- MP3 Audio Sermon CD Volume 2
- Figures/Types/Shadows/Prophetic Dramas
- Firstfruits:
- Feast of
- First Visibility of the New Moon
- Forgiveness
- Fornication
- Funeral Service:
How to conduct one.
- Gabriel the Archangel
- Gideon ... Mighty Man of Valour
- See under YAHWEH
- Does He exist?
- See under SALVATION
- The Everlasting Gospel Index
- The Everlasting Gospel
- Grace
- Great Commandment
- Great Harlot of Revelation
- Great Tribulation or Time of Trouble
- Habakkuk
- Halloween
- Harlot
- Head Coverings
- Heavenly Library
Are you aware of the books in it?
- Hell-fire & Purgatory
... Will sinners burn forever?
- Holy Convocation
A Commanded Assembly
- Holy Spirit
- See under Spirit
- Homosexuality
- Horoscopes
... Is it a sin to read them?
- Hymns & MIDI Files
- Idolatry.
- Immortality
Is the human soul immortal? Are the Angels immortal?
- Iniquity in the Christian Church
- 'A Voice In The Wilderness' -
The Front Door To Canada Home Page
- Introduction 'A Voice In The Wilderness'
Booklets: Free booklets available upon request.
- Bible Versions
- The Sacred Calendar of the God of Israel
- The Feast Days of the God of Israel
- Understand the Revelation
- Audio Sermons
Monthly Selections
The entire King James Version of the Bible!
- Bible Course
21 Lessons on the foundations truths of Christianity.
- Sacred Calendar Book Index
- The Everlasting Gospel
- Hymns & MIDI Files
- Israel
- Divine Laws
- Prophecy
- Poem
- Reflector Files
The plain truth!
- Sabbath Quotations -
See for yourselves what 'Mainstream Christianity'
has to say about itself!
- Salvation
- Thought for the week
- Vital Topics
Another Page you simply must visit.
- Sermon Notes
Scores of sermons for Preachers, Teachers and Students.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Sacred Year
- The Chosen of God!
Who/What is a Jew?
- Antic-Semitism:
It goes back thousands of years.
- Israel's Rebellion
- Israel Scattered:
to the four corners of the earth.
- Israel Not Abandoned
- Israel Regathered by God
- Israel Refined as Silver
- The Promised Land:
From the Mediterranean Sea to the River Euphrates!
- The Christian Church & Israel
- The Palestinian Question
- Israel's Future
- The Peace Formula
- Real Peace
- British Israel
- The Nation of Israel
- The Middle East
- The Most High Ruleth!
- No KING In Israel!
- Zion: City of the Great King
- New Covenant Basics
Are Israel and Judah involved?
- Israel in Prophecy
- The Shofar
Sacred Names of the Almighty God of Israel
See below under Yahweh for articles about the Almighty.
- Jeroboam
- Jerusalem:
Its Capture & Final Deliverance.
See also:
Israel's Future
- His Name JESUS (Yeshua), Emmanuel
- His Name, Position and Objectives
- His Power over all Creation
- His Power over the Nations
- His Work
- Yeshua the Preacher
- Yeshua the Healer
- Yeshua's Lowliness
- Questions about Jesus (Yeshua)
- Our High Priest
- Behold the Lamb of God!
- What shall I do then with Jesus?
- Saviour of the Lost
- The express image of His Father.
- Signs of his Return
- Jewellery
Who/What is a Jew?
ISRAEL ... The Chosen of God
British Israel
- Job ... Man of Patience
- Joseph ... Man of Integrity
- Joy
A by-product of Mercy
- Jubile Crop
- Jubile Year
- Judgment, Day of
- Justification by Faith
- Justification by Works
- Kingdom of God
- King James Version:
The Real Word of God!
- Kneeling in Prayer
- Labourers Urgently Needed:
Because the Harvest is Penteous, but the Labourers are Few!
- Lamb of God
Lamb's Book of Life
Animal Sacrifices:
- See also JESUS
- Last Great Day Sermon
Living Waters!
- Introduction to Divine Law
- Lawlessness
- Ten Commandments
- Multilevel Commandments
- Questions...Testimonies...Why the Saviour came to earth
- Legalism ... What is it?
- The Greatest Commandment
- Yahweh's Vital Laws
- Ceremonial laws:
Circumcision, Philacteries, Animal Sacrifices, Mixing
linen with wool, Uncleanness etc.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery
- Thou shalt have no other Gods before me
- Sacrificial Laws (Part 1)
- Sacrificial Laws (Part 2)
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Blessings of Obedience
- Sacred Covenants
- Belshazzar's Banquet
Blasphemy at its worst
- The Hour of Temptation
Are you preparing for it?
- Yahweh's law taught in all the world
- Learn to Know
- The Litmus Test
Sacred Names & Titles.
- Lord's Supper / Communion / Passover Service
- Lost Sheep
Lost Coin
Lost Boy
- Love for God and Neighbour
True Love
- Lucifer
Another name for Satan; a name which does not appear in
most modern 'bible versions.'
- Makeup
- The Man in Linen
- Mark of the Beast
- Marriage
- Men of Renown: Abraham
- Meats
- Menstruation / Uncleanness
- Mercy
Mercy to king David
Mercy Seat
- Michael the Archangel
- Middle East:
Jerusalem: Its capture and final deliverance.
- Millennium
- Miracles and Lying Wonders
- Modesty
- Months in the Sacred Calendar
- The Beginnings of Months in the Sacred Calendar for years 1994 - 2005.
- Moses
Song of Moses
New American Standard Version:   Is it the Word of God?
New International Version: Is it the Word of God?
- New King James Version:
Is it the Word of God?
- Nation of Israel
- Nature Worship:
Baal Worship
- New Covenant
Everlasting Covenant
- New and Updated Articles
- New Earth #1,
- New Moons sighted from Jerusalem, Israel
- New Moon Times & the Beginnings of Months for the Years 1994-2005
- New Year
- Noah
- Number 666
- Number 777
- Obedience
See also:
Divine Law
Pagan Gods
... Baal / Astaroth / Ishtar etc. Halloween
- The Sower & the Good Seed
- The Labourers in the Vineyard
- The Dragnet
- The Teasure Hunt
- The Vineyard
- The Ten Virgins
- The Wedding Banquet
- Yeshua The True Vine
- Talented Servants
- The Absent Housholder
- The Prodigal Son
The Lost Son
- The Passover Service
(Partaking of the Bread and the Wine.)
- The Passover Night
- The Passover ... When should it be held?
End of the 13th abib, or end of the 14th?
- The First Month
Isn't Abib, a Month Early?
- Passover Late
The Jewish Passover Out of Season!
- Passover in the 2nd Month ... Zif
- Paul ... Yahweh's Chosen Vessel
- A Gift of the Holy Spirit
Real Peace
Peace at Last
- Penal Laws in Scripture
- Pentecost:
Feast of First Fruits
Counting to Pentecost
- Polygamy
- Prayer
- Ask / Attitudes / Intercession
- Kneeling in Prayer
- Thanksgiving
Give thanks at all times
- Perseverance in Prayer
- Secrets of Prayer (Part A)
Direction / Motive / Confession
- Secrets of Prayer (Part B)
Good & Bad Reasons, Mandatory Parameters.
- Promises about Prayer
Ask in Messiah's Name / Abide in Him
- Hindrances to Effective Prayer
Sin, Doubt, Greed, Hate.
- Intercessory Prayer
Seek to glorify God.
- The Lord's Prayer
Does your church group pray this prayer as instructed?
- Prayer and Fasting
An Invincible Combination
- The Prayer of Solomon
How it concerns You.
- The Prayer of Hezekiah
Nothing is impossible with God!
- Presumption
Are you mistaking it for Faith?
- Priests:
The Levitical Priesthood.
The Melchisedec Priesthood. Yeshua our High Priest. Aaron's Rod
- Prodigal Son
- Promises of the Almighty
- Poem
- See also Revelation and
Sacred Calendar
- Third of Scripture
- The Prophecy of Habbakuk
- The Last Days
- Beware of False Prophets
- The Elijah Message
- The Prophet Noah
- The Three Angels' Messages
- The Middle East and Jerusalem
- The 1000 year Reign of Peace
- Prophetic Dramas of Old
- The Coming Exodus
- No King in Israel ...Yet
- The False Prophet Balaam
- The 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel 8
- The Sixth Seal
- Prophetic Time Spans
- Prophetic Time Spans:
2300 / 1260 / 1290 / 1335 Days.
- Examples
of Prophectic Time Spans
- Prosperity
- Secrets of Prosperity
- Psalm 107:
Four examples of deliverance
- Psalm 147:
Yahweh's works and power
- Psalm 23:
The Shepherd Psalm
- Psalm 94: Where is God?
- Psalm 18:
A Song of Thanksgiving
- Psalm 91:
Protection during the Time of Trouble
- Psalm 1:
The Secret of Happiness & Success
- Psalm 73:
Why do the Righteous Suffer & the Wicked prosper?
- Psalm 119:
Written by a Man after God's Own Heart.
- Psalm 51:
Adultery, Confession & Forgiveness
- Psalm 8:
What is Man?
Is there such a place?
- Questions concerning the Feast Days of
the God of Israel
I've heard it said that the law of God was abolished at the cross. Is this the case?
- Where does Faith and Grace
figure in this matter of keeping Feast days? Surely A Voice In The Wilderness
must know that Christians are "Under Grace" and are, therefore, i
not required to keep the law!
What do the following texts mean? Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:16-17, Galatians 4:9-10, Ephesians 2:15-16.
I can see that the Sabbath according to the Scriptures is the seventh day of the week,
but how can the modern believer be sure that Saturday is the seventh day?
- How does one keep the Sabbaths of the Almighty?
- Questions concerning the Sacred Calendar
- When does a month begin in the sacred calendar?
- When does a Year begin in the sacred calendar?
- From where should a new moon be sighted?
- What are the harvest times in Israel?
- Why do some years have 13 months?
Why do some popular Jewish calendar dates differ from those published by AVITW?
- Do all Jews use the popular Jewish calendar?
- How does AVITW set up the calendar?
- How can we check to see which calendar is correct?
- Where does FAITH figure in this matter?
Questions Concerning Time
The First Month
Isn't Abib, a Month Early?
Passover Late
The Jewish Passover Out of Season?
Passover in the 2nd Month ... Zif
Time is Short
- Rapture
- RealPlayer Audio Sermons
Monthly Selections
- Rebellion
Are you a Rebel?
- Reference Books: concerning Creation/Evolution
& the
Bible Version Issue.
- Reflector Files
The plain truth
- Reincarnation...
Is it taught in the Holy Bible?
- Re-marriage
- Remember These Things
- Repentance
The Resurrection,
From the Dead
- REVELATION (booklet)
- Introduction
- Seals 1-4
- Seals 5-6
- The Sealing of the 144,000 Also The 144,000 Who are they?
- Innumerable Multitude
- Trumpets 1-5
- Trumpet 6
- Trumpet 7
- Beast of Revelation 13 Also Who/What is the Antichrist?
- The False Prophet
- The Two Witnesses
- The Great Whore of Revelation Who is she?
- 3 Angels' Messages
- 7 Last Plagues
- Millennial Reign also
The Coming Millennium Rod of Iron
- The New Earth
- Sabbath
- How to organize a Sabbath Service
- Sabbath-Keeping
- The True Sabbath Day
- Sabbath Quotes
- Sabbatical & Jubile Years
- Sacred Calendar of the God of Israel
- See under Calendar and Questions
- Sacred Names
- Animal Sacrifices:
Are they Necessary?
- The Daily Sacrifice:
Sabbath Sacrifices, New Moon sacrifices, Feast Day Sacrifices etc.
- Sacrificial Laws ... Part 1
Part 2
- Salvation Index
- Saviour of the Lost
- The Joy of Salvation
- What must I do to be saved?
- Salvation from Trouble
- The Price of Salvation
- Waiting for Salvation
- Heirs of Salvation
- The Prodigal Son
- Salvation...Who Needs It?
- Neglecting Salvation
A fatal error!
- The Gospel of Salvation
Have you accepted it?
- Once Saved Always Saved:
True or False?
- Fallen Angels
- Satan...Does he exist?
Satan...The Fiery Serpent
Is Satan
- Satanic Attack
- Rebellion The Spirit of Satan
- The Antichrist...Satan's Main Ally
- Saturday: Is it the 7th day of the Week?
- Scriptures
Messages from the Scriptures
- Seals of Revelation
- Septuagint
Apocrypha Are these
publications inspired?
Scores of sermons for Preachers, Teachers and Students.
- Sermons about Yahweh:
- The Almighty God
His Name (Yahweh), His character and will
- Yahweh's Love
and offer of redemption
- Yahweh's Mercy
for the repentant / the ignorant
- Yahweh's Wrath
Characteristics / Who can escape?
- Yahweh's Truth
Definition / Characteristics / Believer's response
- Yahweh a Holy God
"Be ye holy, for I am holy"
- Yahweh's Word
It abideth forever. It cannot be broken
- Yahweh's Family
His only begotten Son and other children
- The Kingdom of God
Will you be there?
- Yahweh's Promises Not One Can Fail
- Yahweh's Feasts
Eternal Memorials of Salvation
- Yahweh's Enemies
Who are they?
- Yahweh's Church
Have you found your place in it?
- Sermons about Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah:
- The Saviour
His Name Yeshua, Work and objectives
- The Saviour's Power His absolute power and authority
- Yeshua's Work
Salvation / A finished work / Wages
- Yeshua the Preacher
Preaching by word and life
- Yeshua the Healer
Surgery hours / The patient's part
- Messiah's lowliness
His humble lifestyle
- Questions about Jesus
Learn to answer these questions correctly
- Consider Christ
Our High Priest
- Behold the Lamb of God
Yeshua the Messiah
- What shall I do then with Jesus?
A question you must answer
- Saviour of the Lost
Messiah's Main Work
- In the Father's Image
Yeshua the Messiah
- Resurrection from the Dead
Believest thou this?
- Examine Yourself
Are you in the Faith?
- Rod of Iron
Yeshua will use it?
- Sermons about the Holy Spirit and various other spirit activities:
- The Holy Spirit
His attributes, fruit and gifts
- Receiving the Holy Spirit
The latter rain
- The Holy Spirit's Work
Reprove, Warn & Convict
- The Fruit of the Spirit Joy
- Grieving the Spirit
How is this done?
- The Comforter
Bringer of refreshment
- The Spirit of Obedience
Given only to the obedient
- The Spirit of Truth
He brings freedom, sanctification and protection
- In Spirit and In Truth
Two mandatory parameters for effective worship
- The Peace Formula
Do you know it?
- True Love
How few know what it is
- The Gift of Toungues
Can you recognise the counterfeit?
- Have Faith in God
What faith can do for You!
- Sermons about Angels Holy & Unholy:
- Angels
The Angel of the LORD, Gabriel and the Devil
- Fallen Angels
The Symbolic Dragon, overcoming the Devil
- Messengers of God
Their appearance, powers, activities & messages
- Angel Protection
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
- Angelic Influence
Wrestling with God and with Satan
- Yahweh's Special Agent
The Messenger of the Lord
- Satan
His work, his fruit and his baptism
- Satanic Attack
Call for help / Victory is possible
- Rebellion
The Spirit of Satan
- Who/What is the Antichrist?
Vital information
- Satan the Fiery Serpent
Know Your Enemy
- The Two Witnesses
Who are they?
- Gabriel & Michael
Two Holy Archangels
- Sermons about Yahweh's Law:
- Yahweh's Law Why was it given? How long will it last?
- Obedience ... Man's Duty
Love the Lord thy God
- Disease Causes / Healing / Staying healthy
- Law of Yahweh Its need, its purpose, The Judgment - destination
- "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
Physical & Spiritual adultery - the penalties
- The Law of Yahweh
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
- Sacrificial Laws (Part1)
"Behold the Lamb of God"
- Sacrificial Laws (Part2)
Spiritual sacrfices: faith, thanksgiving, pure bodies.
- The Ark of the Covenant
What shall we do with its contents?
- Why do the Righteous Suffer?
Surely if God exists. He can stop it.
- Sacred Covenants
Are you aware of them?
- Belshazzar's Banquet
Is being repeated
- The Hour of Temptation
Are you preparing for it?
- Sermons about Salvation:
- Salvation
Where to find it
- The Joy of Salvation
Every believer's right
- Salvation through Jesus
"What must I do to be saved?"
- Salvation comes from Yahweh
But what must I do?
- The Price of Salvation
Value for money? Are you worth it?
- Waiting for Salvation
Appointed Times ... wait for them
- Heirs of Salvation
What is your aim in life?
- The Prodigal Son
Bankrupt in sin ... but he came to himself
- Salvation: Who needs it?
We all need salvation
- Neglecting Salvation
A dangerous habit you must never adopt
- Stand Ye Still & See the Salvation of the LORD .. with You!
- The Gospel of Salvation
Have you accepted it?
- Is thy God able to deliver thee?
Or are you secretly terrified of the future?
- Sermons about Bible Prophecy:
- Prophecy
Why was it given? An invaluable possession
- Habakkuk
His three complaints and Yahweh's answers
- The Last Days
Signs of Messiah's Return / Wise or Foolish servants
- The Prophets
True & False
- Elijah the Tishbite
The Elijah Message
- Noah
Man of Warning
- The Three Angles' Messages
Fear God, obey Him because Judgment is near
- The Middle East
Jerusalem: it's capture and final deliverance
- The Coming Millennium
How will it be spent?
- Messages from the Scriptures
Law / History / Prophecy / Song & Salvation
- The Coming Exodus
Are you mentally prepared for this event?
- No King in Israel
Doing what is right in your own eyes.
- Balaam the Prophet
He has a message for all mankind!
- Sermons about Prayer, Praise & Thanksgiving:
- Prayer
Ask in Messiah's Name and receive
- Thanksgiving
Give thanks at all times
- Perserverance in Prayer
Knowledge / Application / Persistence / Patience
- Secrets of Prayer (Part A)
Direction, Motive, Confession
- Secrets of Prayer (Part B)
Good & Bad reasons / Mandatory Parameters
- Promises about Prayer
Ask / in Messiah's Name / Abide in Him & get results
- Hindrances to Prayer
Sin, doubt, greed, lack of love
- Intercessory Prayer
Seek to glorify the Most High
- The Lords's Prayer
A Prayer for the Church.
- Prayer & Fasting
The Invincible Combination
- The Prayer of Solomon
How it concerns You
- Contentment
Have you found it yet?
- The Prayer of Hezekiah
With God, Nothing is Impossible
- Sermons about The Psalms:
- Psalm 107
Hopeless situations. Help from the Almighty
- Psalm 147
Yahweh's priorities and His blessings
- Psalm 23
The Shepherd Psalm
- Psalm 94
Where is God? He is with us.
- Psalm 18
A song of thanksgiving
- Psalm 91
Protection during the Time of Trouble
- Psalm 1
The secret of success
- Psalm 73
Prosperity and Judgment
- Psalm 119
A Man after God's Own Heart
- Psalm 51
Sin, Repentance, Mercy and Joy
- Psalm 48
Aion: City of Peace, Holiness & Truth!
- Psalm 8: What is man?
An intelligent ape or son of God?
- The Song of Moses
Will you be amongst those who sing it?
- Sermons about The Parables of Jesus:
- The Parables
The Sower. Four types of people
- Yahweh's Labourers
The eleventh hour believer
- The Mustard Seed
Small beginnings / The seed / What can we do?
- The Dragnet
The Fish & the Judgment
- The Treasure Hunt
Recognising value / Total commitment
- Yahweh's Vineyard
Personal effort / Results / Examine yourself
- The Wedding Banquet
Do you have a wedding garment?
- Yeshua
The True Vine
- Talented Servants
How are you using your Talents?
- The Absent Householder
He is coming back - Soon!
- The Lost Son
This could be you, or any family member
- The Ten Virgins
Who do they represent?
- Real Peace
Mankind is totally incapable of producing it.
- Sermons about Famous Believers mentioned in Scripture:
- True Believers
Yahweh's special, set apart people
- Yahweh's People
Free will and controlled minds
- Yahweh's People
Our greatest asset = Yahweh is with is!
- Abraham
Father of the Faithful
- Yahweh's People
Our work & responsibilities
- Paul
Yahweh's chosen vessel
- Moses
Yahweh's Secretary of State
- Joseph
Man of Integrity
- Job
Man of Patience
- Daniel the Prophet
Man of Righteousness
- Elijah
Man of Obedience
- Gideon
Might Man of Valor
- Repairers of the Breach
Who are these people?
- Sermons on various other spiritual subjects:
- StudyRead,
Observe, Analyse, Do. The ROAD to
understanding Scripture.
- Remember
Yahweh's Name, His works and your conversion
- Giving and Receiving Advice
Good and bad advice
- Heat, Light and Sound
High level realities about Love & Truth
- The Secret of Prosperity
Faith & Obedience
- The Cup of War
Passed to all nations - till all are drunk and stagger
- Human Suffering
Why does the Most High allow it?
- The Nation of Israel
The Diaspora, Regathering and Victory
- The Heavenly Library
Are you aware of the books in it?
- The Perfect Church
It doesn't exist - not yet at any rate
- Baal
The Pagan God of Fertility & Sex
- Learn to Know
How to study the Scriptures
- Sex and the Bible
Do you know how God views sexual behaviour?
- Sermons for Jehovah's Annual Sabbaths
- Sex & the Bible
- Shofar
Herald of: Truth, Repentance, Obedience, Salvation, Dedication,
Victory and Resurrection!
- Sign of the Cross:
Should Christians make it?
- Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars
- Signs of Jesus Christ's Return
- What is It?
- Though your sins be as scarlet
- Sodomy
- Song of Moses
- Solomon's Prayer
- The Sixth Seal
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Fruit, Gifts and Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Gift of Tongues
- Receiving the Holy Spirit
- Grieving The Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit's Work
- The Spirit of Truth
- In Spirit & In Truth
- Peace:
A fruit of the Holy Spirit
Real Peace
- Spiritism
- Starting a Church Group in your area
- Study:
How readest thou?
Its cause, its benefits and its end
Why do the Righteous Suffer
- Sunday: Is it the Christian Sabbath?
- Tabernacles
Sermon for the
Feast of Tabernacles
The eternal constitution of the universe!
- Textus Receptus
The Received Greek Text from which the New Testament was translated.
- Textus Receptus ... Where can I obtain a copy?
- The Time of Trouble
- Time is Short
Questions Concerning Time
- Time Spans in Prophecy
- Thought for the week
- Tithes and Offerings
- Tongues: Speaking in Tongues
- Traditions of Men
- Treasures of the Kingdom
- Trinity
- Feast of Trumpets
A Sermon for the Feast of Trumpets
Herald of: Truth, Repentance, Obedience, Salvation, Dedication,
Rescue and Resurrection!
- Seven Trumpets of Revelation
- The Two Witnesses: Who are They?
Aren't they Two Men?
- Types / Shadows / Prophetic Dramas!
- Uncleanness / Menstruation
- Unclean Meats
- Understand the Revelation
- See under Revelation
- Unleavened Bread
- Recipe See also
The Week of Unleavened Bread
- Vegetarianism
- Versions of the Bible:
Which is the Real Word of God?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- The Ten Virgins:
Who do they represent?
- Vital Topics
Another Page you simply must visit.
- Vineyard: Labourers Urgently Needed!
- Visiting the sins of the fathers
A Cup from which all nations will drink!
Real Peace Will it ever come?
- Watchmen and their Duties
- Whore of Revelation
- Wisdom
- Witnesses, The Two Witnesses
- Women Preachers
- Works
Are they Important?
Justification by Works
- Xmas
Is it a Christian or Pagan Festival?
YHVH, the LORD God of Israel
- His Name ... Part 1
Part 2
Jehovah's Wife
- His Only Begotten Son Yeshua the Messiah
- His Chosen People ISRAEL
His City Zion
- His Characteristics, Aims, Work and Will
- His Love
True Love
- His Mercy
- His Wrath
- His Truth
- His Holiness
- His Word
Which English Version is the real Word of God?
- His Family
- His Kingdom
- His Promises
- His Feast Days
Feast Day Booklet
- His Enemies
- His Church
- Yahweh Reigns
- His Laws
- His Seal & Signature
JESUS / Y'shua / YAHshua / Emmanuel / YAHoshua
- His Name JESUS (Yeshua) Emmanuel
- His Name, Work, Position and Objectives
- His Power over all Creation
- His Power over the Nations
- Signs of His Return
- His Work
- Yeshua the Preacher
- Yeshua the Healer
- Yeshua's Lowliness
- Questions about Jesus (Yeshua)
- Our High Priest
- Behold the Lamb of God!
- What shall I do then with Jesus?
- Saviour of the Lost
- Yeshua the True Vine
- Yeshua's Blood
- Sacred Year
- Year 2000 ... Y2K
- Zion
Eternal City of Peace, Holiness & Truth!
- 666
- 777
- 1260 day Time Spans
- 1290 day Time Spans
- 1335 day Time Spans
- 2300 day Time Spans
The 2300 Day Prophecy explained
- 2300, 1290, 1335 & 1260 Days
- The 144000 Who are They?
