Text Based On John Chapter 15 (KJV)
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father,
he shall testify of me.
(Public Domain)
1952 BH - Page No. 283
The Church - Witness and Service
The Weekly Seventh Day Sabbath
Words: Sarah Geraldine Stock: 1838-1898
Music: Arthur Seymour Sullivan: 1842-1900
Lux Eoi (87.87.D)
Lord, Thy ransomed Church is waking-
Out of slumber far and near,
Knowing that the morn is breaking-
When the Bridegroom will appear;
Waking up to claim the treasure-
With Thy precious life-blood bought,
And to trust in fuller measure-
All Thy wondrous death hath wrought.
Praise to Thee for this glad shower,
Precious drops of latter rain;
Praise, that by Thy Spirit’s power-
Thou hast quickened us again;
That Thy Gospel’s priceless treasure-
Now is borne from land to land,
And that all the Father’s pleasure-
Prospers in Thy piercèd hand.
Praise to Thee for saved ones yearning-
O’er the lost and wandering throng;
Praise for voices daily learning-
To upraise the glad new song;
Praise to Thee for sick ones hasting-
Now to touch Thy garment’s hem;
Praise for souls believing–tasting-
All Thy love has won for them.
Set on fire our heart’s devotion-
With the love of Thy dear name;
Till o’er every land and ocean-
Lips and lives Thy WORD proclaim.
Fix our eyes on Thy returning,
Keeping watch till Thou shalt come,
Loins well girt, lamps brightly burning,
Then, Lord, take Thy servants home.
A blessèd Seventh Day Sabbath to all believers.
In the Son’s Name - For the Father’s glory.
A Voice In The Wilderness - Canada